Sarah Palin’s Fav Consignment Shop Forced to Change Its Name

February 14, 2009 at 12:10 pm | Posted in Celebrities | 5 Comments

sarah-palinSarah Palin’s favorite consignment shop has been forced to change its name, thanks to the publicity the vice-presidential candidate brought it. When Palin mentioned the Anchorage shop in an interview with Fox News last October, it was called Out of the Closet. When choosing that name, the shop’s owner Ellen Arvold had not realized that it was already the trademarked moniker of a Los Angeles-based thrift-store chain — whose lawyers served Arvold with a cease-and-desist letter. Rather than engage in a legal battle, Arvold agreed to change the name to Second Run. The change goes into effect today, which is the store’s fifth anniversary.

Following a hullabaloo about her expensive campaign-trail clothing, Palin told reporters that those clothes were neither her idea nor hers to keep. She said that she preferred to buy clothes inexpensively, and that her favorite place to buy them was “a consignment shop in Anchorage, Alaska, called Out of the Closet.”

According to this AP story, “Palin was last in the store a few days before McCain made her his surprise pick for vice president in late August, and sent Arvold a photograph from the campaign trail, showing her wearing a pink Dolce & Gabbana jacket she bought at the store.” Arvold said the Alaska governor subsequently sent her an apology “for all the flak we took, so that was really thoughtful of her.”

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